♡ Booty's Journey To Pleasantville ♡

  • Author Booty
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 8 min read
Hi Guys,

Just figured i would write in and let you know how i am going. I am 26, a fun sized 5"2 weighing in at 67kg when i started duromine. Now to many of you that isnt alot and i am possibly at your goal weight, but that isnt to exclude i know how you feel. I do not want to wake up every morning staring at the blob in the mirror. I want to see something more. Something beautiful and inspiring. I want my clothes to fit me properly. After my pregnancies, i could not shake the excess weight. The uncomfortable feeling i had started creeping into my life and slowly started to take hold. I spoke to my gp, who ran a bunch of blood works then later gave me a 3mth prescription for 30mg duromine.

Today is currently day 12. Started taking duromine on August 1st, 2015.

My original symptoms were, feeling like a virus was coming on (cold and flu), constipation, reflux, cotton mouth (thirsty) and a lingering little headache. Day 2, i was sleep deprived and had sore eyes and possibly a premigraine - as i suffer from migraines. By day 4 i was able to have a decent 7hr sleep, although i was still Constipated i took my sleep as a win. Day 5. I had a coffee. And then i POOPED! oh my goodness - it felt soo good you wouldnt believe. I felt amazing and ready to tackle anything that stood in my way. Since i started taking duromine a nasty virus has swept through the house and wiped out everyone - except me. I am normally the first one to be wiped out, so i think the effects of duromine saved me from that ever so nasty bug.
Day 6: Hammorrhoids flaired up. :-@
Oh my word. It was painful and horrible. I didnt realise they could have flair ups until this day.. thankfully it only lasted 2-3 days. Starting to feel extra cold. Colder then normal.
Day 7: lots of "detoxing" - my booty had an affair with the toilet seat ensuring my bowels were clean and tidy.
Day 8. I woke up to the ever so awesome dehydration headache. Drink more water Booty* stomach had been cramping all day. My hands feel like ice.
Day 9: weighed myself 63kg. Wtf?! I was not expecting a loss. I feel like i have been snacking constantly. 630am, 9am, 11.30/12pm. 2pm 530pm 730pm. 5-6 times a day. I only ever use to eat once a day. Now i eat when my body says its hungry so i give my body a little bit of "fuel". Ive tried to adapt the low carb high protein approach and its paying off! 4kg loss. Wow* I'm totally shocked. I was also shocked to find out that dramatic changes to your diet cause thrush. :-@ I've never had it before, and yet here i go again with another fun little something to make my journey extra entertaining.
Day 10&11 cruised by so quickly i forgot to even keep a note as to what i did. Whoopsi*
Day 12: Aunt flow has come to town.. She better not have packed for a long vacation! I do not like sharing, not to mention taking those yucky horse size tablets (evening primrose oil). Its to help stop the crazy* and aunt flow brings the crazy!.

For those wanting to know i take my tablet at 4am every morning. It takes effect quite quickly, so i get up have a coffee and do some house chores. I do find it a bit challenging in the afternoon around 4pm as i am coming down i can be quite short tempered. I am aware of it so try my best to avoid it. Aanndd I'm in bed, sleeping by 9-930pm. Zzzzzzzzz* * * providing i do not have any more coffee after the first cup.

So yeah - this is me. This is what i have been up to recently.. and i can keep you updated with my progress. I wont be weighing myself during this week as i know aunt flow likes to bloat and just be a nasty piece of work in general - so she will probably tamper with the scales. So i will wait until the coast is clear before using them..
I am excited and looking forward to the new me! !

I could sugar coat my experience, however i wont be helping others by doing that. By helping others, it may not be this year it may not be the next. But there will be someone who can relate to what i am going through and say: oh wow. It is normal or a side effect to duromine. Im not going crazy.

- i forgot to add my exercise. I try and stretch in the morning. Stretching out all my muscles and loosen them all up. I feel so much better and lighter on my feet afterwards. I also have 3 children, 2, 4 & 6. So i walk them to school every day instead of taking the car. My 6 yr old detests the idea and fights me on it regularly. However he is more then happy to walk home if we detour past the park. My other exercise includes walking my 2 dogs and cleaning my house. It is so pretty*

My favorite part about duromine:
I get things done. There and then. I have always always always been a procrastinator. If i can talk myself out of its importance then it wont get done. Or it will - at the last possible minute. Whilst i have been on duromine i get things done! The other day my 2yr old cracked 18 eggs all over my floors. Straight away i got in there and cleaned it up - before duromine i would have walked around the eggy mess, finished sorting out the kids for school then delt with the mess after drop off. I do not like the cold feet when it comes but i sure as hell love the new me that is getting stuff done!
- anyway, have a terrific night guys. I'm having a major crash and burn and require some booty sleep.

Today is day 14* * woohoo! ! !
Took my tablet on time at 4am, i am currently swooping around my house doing a quick busy bee before my children wake up.
Yesterday my husband had surgery and i was soo anxious. I litterally felt my stomach drop and it stay there the whole day. Now his surgery wasnt big. Keyhole in and out within the hour. But i still felt really anxious. He is fine - i was just being a paranoid freak! Lots of cuddles made me feel better - yhep I'm one of those people. A cuddle cures all evil!

So today i had noticed something. . Since Aunt flo's arrival i have noticed i have NO PMS symptoms. Normally I'd be the worst version of myself by now, hating myself for being like that but the last few days.. i have still been a happy mum. No evil split personality due to some messed up mother nature cycle bull....
I did sneak in a few little squares of chocolate the other night. Looks like the urge for chocolate still exists - it wasnt a binge.. just a sample amount and i was satisfied.
A different note, i took a photo of hubby and myself last night and everyone commented how skinny my face looked. - alot had to do with angle and lighting, but the compliment was there. Just need the rest of me to catch up. :)

Goodluck to everyone with their weightloss this week. Keep up with your water, and protein. Hi to all newbies*

♡ * Booty * ♡

Today is day 15.

I decided last night to turn off my 4am alarm to take duromine. I am allowing my body a day of rest. Slept in until 8am. I woke up feeling motivated and pumped. An hour later, i am starting to feel sluggish and my body wants to go back to bed. Going to put some music on, work out and work through this moment.
I did a sneeky weigh in. Down 1 kg, even with Aunt Flo hanging around. I wasnt expecting a loss, maybe a slight "bloated" gain. Brings my total loss to 5kg in 2 wks.

Hey guys checking in and touching base. .

Today is Day ummm. . . Hang ten while i check my calendar. . 20! Woohoo! ! 20 days - that's week 3 tomorrow. Yeah boy! !

So for the last week at least, the weather has SUCKED! Its been raining cats and dogs and I'm pretty sure its been raining cockroaches and rodents aswell. (Damn those yucky vermin). So my outdoors activity / exercise time has been down to like zero* My dogs are looking at me like i am the worst person ever because they havent had a decent run. - mind you one of them HATES storms and refuses to get off my bed when one hits.

My husband's surgery went well and he recovered nicely. A small amount of bruising (I could give him a hickey bigger then his bruise. Guess its a good thing he isnt complaining) so he's back at work today. . WINNING! !

I have managed to clean up my destroyed backyard. - It looked like cyclone Yasi came in and had a field day. Erected a cubby house for the kids - with hubbys help. Kitchen is ever so pretty, my couches and carpets have been washed/cleaned. My washing machine sparkles like diamonds and ... for all you mums out there you know how RARE this is.... my fridge AND pantry are organized! Yup. I've been a busy little bee.. down side to that is - i have had no shift since my last weigh in. Just means I'm going to hit it harder once the sunshine comes.. meanwhile i get to all those jobs I've been procrastinating to do.

I have found my thirst has decreased, so i need to remind myself to keep up with my water. It is very important to stay hydrated! Flushes the kidneys, and kidneys filter our blood. Thus removing all toxins from our body. A loss in water weight - the water your body holds onto within your muscles? I think its your muscles, anywho. By staying hydrated your body says ok i dont need to keep you around. I have an endless supply of water. It helps with your brain function - yhep. Your brain gets bigger and is like wow.. lets do this!

My meals, I've been snacking often. I need to change things up a little as i am getting a bit bored with my food. - maybe its because i have to prep and cook it?
I have also been beating myself up.. last night hubby made a very yummy dinner and i ate - my old Booty portion size. Followed by apple crumble and custard. It was soo yummy.. and i felt sooo full! ! Aanndd i felt like i instantly betrayed myself.

I know it isnt going to happen overnight. But it will happen eventually. . I will get the new me. This will be the old me.. I am determined! !


Constipation is back with a vengeance and my coffee in the morning plus current diet is not helping things move along. Looks like i will be paying a visit to the chemist for some senna tea. As recommended by those in this forum. Fingers crossed it helps me out. The day is sunny and looking beautiful. Walked my kids to school for the first time in just over a week.. feels great to get out of the house again. Bring on weigh in on Sunday. Today is day 22.. ♡
You could also add some Chia seeds to your diet if the tea is a no go. They are an amazing source of everything really. And great to help you feel full
Day 30.

Hey guys, just keeping you update with how i am going and what i am doing. My appetite has crashed. I struggle to eat as often as i use to. My body has now slumped into that i dont want food state. I am conscious of what i eat in the evening and aim for breakfast to be my biggest meal of the day. Yesterday i had 2 pieces of soy and linseed toast with avacado and poached eggs. I didnt eat until about 4pm which was 3 pieces of sushi. I bought an 8 pk and the kids finished it off.
I can easily take my tablet at 4am and roll over back to sleep. I start boot camp tomorrow. EXCITING ** I joined up on a one month introductory offer. I can participate in any bootcamp throughout the week for a whole month at one fixed rate of $47. (After that its $57pw for 3 sessions - i wont be able to afford that so will be utilizing everything in this coming month). I am also happy to announce I have lost an additional kilo. Bringing my bmi from 27.2 to 24.7 (technically I am now HEALTHY, within normal weight range.)

SW: 67KG
GW: 55KG (middle of a healthy bmi is 21.5 - which is 53kg for my size)
CW: 61KG

Looking forward to seeing below 60, I havent seen it for quite a few yrs. #feelingexcited..

Goodluck with everyone and their loss. Xx
Added note:

I have not measured myself in cms. Although i probably should have. My clothes are fitting me better, i am not looking pregnant in the evenings. I also wore a shirt the other day - i bought it as a motivator a few yrs ago. It fits.. it fits.. it fits.. i started in size 14s. Am down to size 12s. If i keep this up - i will be in a healthy size 10 in no time. After duromine i will continue to be conscious of what i eat and will no longer indulge in high carb meals for dinner. I'm really excited to meet the new me. She will be better then the old me.. even the old "skinny" me. Because i have so much more to live for, i have so much more knowledge and appreciation. I can do this! I've got this! ! Bikini body in the making* * (will wear them with pride, along with my tiger stripes and excess skin). .
Day 38.

Hi guys,
So i started boot camp last week. Man - did my body ache all over. It took me 2 days to recover from last Mondays kettle bell workout. Thursday boxing was intense - reminder dont be late or you get partnered up with the trainer. So i did double to workout. It set the pace for my entire day - busy and full on. Unfortunately Friday night i went out for dinner. I was good-ish. I could have done better. I also had 2 jd stubbies. It went down soo nicely after a very busy and exhausting week. But i felt like poop because 1 stubbie is roughly my WHOLE days worth of caleries. :-(
Today my husband is joining me at bootcamp. He is happy for me to cook differently. Happy for me to do my exercises (its great because mid morning sessions offer free child minding). He is super supportive - so i am very lucky and blessed to have him routing for me, keeping me motivated. I know i need to drink more water, and push myself that little bit more. Last week i had my measurements done - so i can be fully accountable for my body and actions. 38 days down - 54 tablets to go.. (2 days skipped to date).

My goal is to reach my target by the end of September. Now its made: LET'S DO THIS! ! !

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8 min read
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