10 + kg Lost! Feeling Fantastic!

  • Author HotFizz
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hey Everyone

I am just updating my progress, i am doing really good watching my diet and exercsing as much as i can ( mostly walking - due to back i injury) well i used to do cardio running extreme exercise and i would sweat like crazy, but i always loved to exercise ( sporty person). But things happen in life like a car accident that leads you to stop things you used to do, and of course that along can lead to weight gain plus if you have been going through a stressful time and Plus being pregnant = Weight Gain:/ . But anyways , my bubs is 8 months old doing great, i am a happy mum that wants to happy with myself , i want to be healthy so i can look and run after my little one. Weight loss was always easy for me before pregnancy, but once you have a baby its bit harder to get rid of the extra kilos , so my journey with Duromine has been good. Some days are better then others, i learned what works for me Low Carb Diet has helped with my Hormonal issues,and to tell you the truth Duromine is just there , because i want to be in control of my thoughts and eating and i could stop Duromine now and i would be 100% sure i could live a healthy lifestyle for the rest of my life. Many times i said this isnt a magic pill, it is there to help you manage your eating habits , you are on your own after your done with it . So i started to do the right thing straight away ,i take the pill every morning but i am in control what goes in my mouth and how much of it, my mind is strong and its getting stronger everyday because if you have a set mind then nothing can earase all those things you learned the good information that the brain stores will be there. When i learned in the past that most of the processed long life food has so many chemicals
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You inspire me Hotfizz!!!!...I agree, D is a short term helper, but we have to do the hard yards ourselves, mentally physically, and emotionally, and it seems you have ticked all those boxes girl !!! Always gr8 to read your BLOG , Cannot wait to say I have lost 10+ kg ,Go ..Go.. Goal ..!!;)
gosh see , i didnt finish what i wanted to write i have been so busy with my little one, but mainly i want to say i am happy my head is clear and i know what to do. So Sorry , but when you have little one and he starts crying you just leave everything and thats what happend lol.. Well i just contuine below

So when i learned that all the processed food and long life food had to so many chemicals i just avoided them, bc your body isnt disgned to process such food, it has to work really hard to do so, and Why would i put my body through that i want to treat it right, i am not saying you gotta live without food you love , but instead of buying something that has many ingredients you never heard of, you can Cook and make it yourself that way you know what went in it. Sometimes i wonder why would they make such products anyhow , but of course to make money out of us ppl - shoppers, then they will design another weightloss pill shake gum or whatever to make you buy it ,but at end its the same, more ingredients you never heard of that promise weightloss Such shame they always find a way to fool ppl. Just make sure and know what your eating and if it has way to many ingredients dont waste your money. Be healthy be Smart. Good luck to everyone.

Start:95 kg
Curretn: 84kg
Goal: 65 kg
Agree with you on the processed foods ,I have been trying for years to get my family off of Take outs from Mc Donalds ,processed cheese, and the like , Finally the past two yrs of not buying take outs has paid off, My son {teenager } went out with some buddies the other night and they had Mc Burgers, and he came home and said "mom, THANK YOU for not letting us eat junk anymore, I could not eat the burger, it tasted terrible ,your food is much tastier mom " He now eats chinese take outs only and veggies and noodles mostly ,I got the family off of white sugar and onto Brown sugar, and from white bread onto Rye ,and from Margarine to Butter ,and from canola oil to Grape seed oil and Macadamia oil...IT took a lot of effort to convince them 6 months ago, but now it is all they WANT to eat ..I cook every day , from scratch, have done so for 5 yrs now, so there are no excuses for weight gain or bad health etc for any of us, Portion control, is our goal as a family, "right food choices" box ,has been ticked ... they even drinking veggies and fruit now again with their mom ,lol ... :)

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