10kg down. Life after duromine.

  • Author Northbeach
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hey guys,
I just wanted to update yall on my past 8 weeks of being off duromine. I struggled to take these tablets consistantly but i can honestly say, they are so great to kick start a new lifestyle. My start weight was 79 kgs and my current weight is 68 kgs. so in total i have lost over 10 kgs, although I started duromine mid January, on 15mg. Moving up to 30mg in the second month. And only taking half my third script for 30mg. I have managed to maintain my weight loss without any duromine for the past 2 months, thru excersize and healthy food choices ( i still endulge from time to time). I just wanted to share my hope. So whilst there are many people who say, when u stop duromine you put the weight straight back on, i beg to differ. I will keep going to the gym and working hard to be the best version of myself, but there is life after duromine :) good luck to you all xx


THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!! Don’t know why, your story brought tears to my eyes. It is so inspiring! You are so bravo! This is the message that everyone should see, when they doubt they will be able to maintain their weight! THANK YOU again! And all the luck to you! you deserve every achievement! You deserve to walk proud with your chin up! You are building yourself! Applause!

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1 min read
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