10pm See What Happens if i take it now - lol

  • Author Deanna78
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So... its 10.15pm - Friday night and I have just taken a 30mg.. lol... want to see what happens if i flip the time i take duromine...

I dont overeat or snack on rubbish during workdays - never have.. so.. i figure i have been possibly wasting my duromine on the wrong time of day.
I haven't been getting good results at all so far.. just 4kg in 9 weeks... :confused: with about a week off in that time..

Ive found I have a smaller portioned dinner.. but - Crack open the snacks later at night - thats got to be my downfall..! Possibly energised in the day - but hard to tell as i buzz around at work everyday anyway! Night time - nope.. I just want to sleep after work and i wake an hour or two later.. then stay awake and think I'm hungry...

Duromine does wake me in the night (i think).. but.. as i find it hard to switch off from work.. i tend to wake up with work on my mind in some capacity..

Looking forward to discovering how this Nightcap of Duromine will have me feeling pretty soon... Happy to do this experiment for us all..

Start weight: 78.5 on 17th June
Current wgt: 74.4 9 weeks later
Mini goals: another 4 x 4kg chunks
Faster would be good..!
Wght goal: 58kg
OMG goal: 54kg OMG OMG OMG

Will add to this post tomorrow night - to let you all know how my 10pm duromine experiment turned out..

Little tired right now - might crash for a while . Half expecting to be woken with the urge to get up and do something...
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I would have thought taking it at lunch time might be better, to curb hunger at night.. Can't wait to hear results, good luck X
Hi Mumo3girls, well... nothing like i had expected.. I pretty much went to sleep and woke just as i usually do.. I have a lot going on at work (manage 22 staff) so waking with random thoughts is typical.. I didn't get up at all.. in fact i think I probably slept just as much, of not longer than usual.... its 10am now.. not overly hungry but ready to have something small. Will take.a 30mg now and see what happens through the day..
30mg just does nothing for me..
Lolol Deanna, I love your OMG OMG OMG goals...

Hey, I thought Duromine are to be taken in the morning? It said so on my prescription packet.... How come u are taking it at night?
Was Friday night and because I am always SUPER BUSY at work.. I wanted to see what eould haopen if i reversed the timing..!!

Rules - yep... ive always broken them o_O

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