13 days on Duromine

  • Author Cynthia
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi guys I am on Duromine its Day 13 and its getting better day1 to day 3 was not good at all I had dry mouth for 3 days I would wake up at 5:30am everyday after taking Duromine at 4am in the morning, but after the 3 days struggle I started noticing a huge difference since I just had a child 6 months ago and it was C-section so my tummy was huge, my tummy started going flat , the only exercise I do is to walk for 20 min everyday and do 10 sit ups everyday. I don't really feel hungry when I do feel hungry I eat oats in the morning for breakfast then 2 liters of water in between I snack on a carrots lunch time I eat my green salad or cabbage salad with some fish or some boiled chickenn then I continue with my 2 liters of water supper I have 2 boiled eggs with some raw cabbage and some pumpkin then 2liters of water.

I see a huge difference although I haven't weigh myself I weigh 85kg I am hoping to get to 60kg already most of my clothes fits me well I am happy with Duromine.
my sleeping pattern has gone back to normal I sleep .
I am on 30g and its 30 capsules


Aw that's great to that you feel a bit more back to normal, I'm 96.5, wanting to get to 65, on Day 5. Hope you keep on going! I get weigh at the gym on Monday. Fingers crossed. I'm still a bit wired, but think that I should start sleeping better tonight or tomorrow.:)

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