• Author fatchic
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  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Day thirteen on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs-
Woke up at 6am (to alarm) realised my sons dental appointment was earlier than i had previously thought so i decided to skip kindy.. No point taking him for 2 hours so i let him sleep in.
Took my tablet at 7am and had an apple for breakfast. Did an hour of just dance later in the afternoon, went at the sweat mashup with the lunges a good 3 times ;) take that thighs. My pants kept getting tangled up when i was doing leg lifts and lunges etc so i ended up ditching them and doing it in my under things.. :p was much less intrusive and the kinect picked up my movements better, plus as my clothes weren't restricting me i was able to lift my legs higher and move more precisely.
For Tea i had 1 sausage, 1 piece of picnic bacon (both grilled) and a small serve of low carb high fibre instant mash. I ate really quickly because i had been hungry during the day and not eaten, mostly because i was too busy, felt ill afterwards had a really big pain in my gut like i had eaten a razor blade souffle :confused: not fun.. The boy decided he wanted to go for an after dinner walk and play chasey again. It was much easier to run after him tonight.. After walking off the stomach pain :) So long as the rain holds off think i will try to maintain it as a nightly event.
Had 2.5 litres of water today. Shopping day tomorrow, playgroup first up- will make an effort to play some more active games with my son instead of sitting at the craft table and gas bagging.


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