1st Week Weigh in....

  • Author SweetTeddie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Morning All,
Wow what a Monday morning it has been so far. Woke up this morning with uncontrollable nerves.

Left my boyfriends house this morning to climb onto my own scale - on the ride home I recalled every morsel I had put in my mouth including the small bite of potato salad. Even though I think I was a really good girl through out the weekend, ordering grilled chicken instead of fried and going for the healthy option of veg instead of chips or baked potato (and not being able to finish my meal), and sticking to water all weekend, my mind kept playing horrible tricks on me.

When I eventually got home the nerves hit me like a ton of bricks. I was even reluctant to get out of my car. But as I pulled the scale closer I had a sense of calm knowing all my hard work would be worth it. I couldn't believe my eyes down to 133kg - I actually had to get on it 3 times just to make sure that the scale wasn't broken. A whole 5.9Kg Lost in one week. So proud to know that I could do this by working hard and not giving in.

Can't wait for my next weigh in... Getting closer and closer to being under 100kg :laughing:

Hoping that everyone else had a fantastic weight in.

SW 138.9kg
CW 133kg
GW 75kg


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