• Author nadiafarhat
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
A day late but still weighed in today. A little confused because iv had a 3.3kg loss in 8 days, yet my measurements are higher. Doesn't make sense.o_O
I'm still happy iv had a decent loss for my first week. feeling good and confident this time i'm going to be able to change all my old eating habits.:p
I do cardio 3 times a week for 1 hr. Treadmill, elliptical stepper and rower. For now that is all i'm sticking to...i will begin light weights at the end of my first duromine month once iv lost a little weight.

I want to thank all of you on this website for all the support and positivity you all share. I come on here every night to read everyone's blogs, stories and experiences. Good and bad. You make it easier to make it to the next day.

Hope you all are doing well and feeling good about yourselves.
Any loss is a good loss.
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