1st week went well :)

  • Author Dave39
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
97.6 kilos

I've lost 4.4 kilos (9.7lb) in my first week! That has made me so happy and even more determined to continue until I reach my goal :) ... Only another 15/20 kilos to go!

Had a couple of restless nights but no mood swings or any other bad side effects. Drinking a lot of water as my mouth is dry and I'm always thirsty. Today, I had a banana for breakfast (was running late and didn't have time for anything else), large tin of tuna (in spring water so no oil) and steamed vegetables for lunch, then 3 apples for dinner. Normally I would be very hungry eating so little but thanks to 30mg Duromine, I'm fine! I'm trying to keep my daily calorie intake to about 1000 but today was less than 600 calories! I'm also taking good multi vitamin and fish oil tablets daily.

Can't wait to get on the scales next week and see how much more I've lost :)


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