2 weeks in

  • Author jes
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Two weeks (Day 10) in and its been a rollercoaster ride!

First 5 days I was help to no one. Experienced extreme hunger, migranes, clouded mind, water retention. Then things started to calm down only persist symptoms was thirst, racing heart and some chest pains.

As I have diagnosed anxiety but have it under control, the increase in heart race confused my body producing my tell tale signs of an attack. But in saying that I didn't stress, i reverted to slowing my breathing and relaxing my body through breathing techniques I learnt from previous pychologist appointments.

So far I do not feel down so in saying that the medication has not affected my depression.

Appetite is reduced, and whatever you do do not skip a meal, bad results come with it such as cloudy mind, slurred speech but as soon as food was introduced symptoms faded.

Walking dog daily 20mins, and walking along the beach sand weekly.

Cannot tolerate soft drinks as too sugary now and coffee is out of the question as it now makes me jittery. Drinking roughly 4 cups of chilled water.

First check up 2 weeks in today, dr took bp, measured my waist, listened to my pulse and weighed me. 2kgs down.

Diet really good, 2 fruit, 5 veg a day, little meat and grains. Only exception is chrunchy nuy cereal, but that will be gone in the next few days.

One other thing I've noticed is when I get fustrated or mad, i feel like im going to explode and before any words leave my mouth I get confused and cannot think straight on what I want to say. So i just move myself away from the issue or person and calm my body down with breathing techniques then either reapproach the person feeling more level headed or drop it...its really forcing me focus and restrain myself.
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