2 weeks in

  • Author Iwillbeskinny
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well my first two weeks have been pretty good only thing that sucks is not being able to sleep easily
sw 90.2kgs
Week 1 weigh in 86.7kgs -3.5kgs
week two weigh in 84kgs -2.7kgs
So I've lost 6.2 kgs in 2 weeks. If I keep losing like this ill be at my goal weight by the end of the 3 months then ir will be maintaining it after that. But even if I only lose another 10kgs ill be quite happy with that as then ill be 74 kgs which would be 25kgs from my original weight of 99kgs feb last yr. We will see how this week goes and ill update on friday night
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6.2kgs in 2 weeks :eek: That's awesome!!!!!! :laughing:

Keep it up ;)


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1 min read
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