2 weeks in

  • Author Cocobee
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So I'm two weeks in now and this week is not so good for me. I have been taking my tablets but I've been moody since Sunday and just in an overall slump. I don't know if its the tablets or just tired and things keep getting on top of me. To top it off today I'm sick and have a fever, but I have to work so I'm a little down about it.
I am still going strong with my paleo life and have been so diligent with cutting out carbs and replacing them with other, healthier options. Today, I weighed in at 98kg. Obviously the weight lost is slowing down a bit and another reason why I'm moody is because I haven't been able to get to the gym as I planned. I work during the day, come home, feed kids, bathe, play, put them to bed (hubby helps too of course) and then I'm either cleaning up around the house or working on my side business (i'm a graphic designer). I know I take on too much but I don't know what it is to stop. But obviously, being sick and moody now, something's gotta give.
This morning, as I was running late, I gave in and stopped to get Macca's on the way to work. I finished half the wrap and had about 5 sips of the coffee. So I'm hoping that's the duromine working telling me to only eat what I have too. Another thing - I hated it. It was gross. And I'm happy I feel that way about it.

So 2 weeks in I've lost a total of 5 kgs - I can't complain with that. Once I get better - I'm going to make some more changes - hopefully next week I can take it down another 2-3 kg.

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2 min read
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