2 weeks on Duromine

  • Author SallyCooper
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
ok so I started on Duromine 2 weeks ago and have been putting things on here almost every day.
My account seemed to have been deleted so here we go again
Day 1: very red burning face by the end of the day, this lasted for about 5 days
around Day 5-6: the dry mouth started and still was suffering insomnia
I still have the dry mouth thing, but drinking heaps of water(and I hate water)
My start weight at the doctor was 101kgs
here at home the scales said 99.5kgs
scales at home today say 96.8kgs (not sure how accurate they are)
start measurements: hips: 131cm
waist: 119cm
bust: 123cm

yesterday: Hips 127 (5cm loss)
Waist 116(3cm loss)
bust 117 (6cm loss)
starting a boxing class this Thursday night, that shou;d be fun, ive been going on long walks and not eating much and what i have been eating is fruitsalad, wraps, yoghurt etc, having a bad day today i just got off the phone with TELSTRA and ate 3 favourites chocolates they stressed me that much!!!


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