20 more kgs!

  • Author hellomello
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Age: 19
Starting weight: 87kgs
Current weight: 80kgs
Goal: 60kgs

It's been almost 7 weeks since I've started on duromine. I took a two week break in between while I was on holidays where I ate everything and did close to no exercise. Despite that, I have lost 3kgs since my last weigh in. I am very happy as I haven't exercised much or at all. I count calories and try not to go over 1200 a day. Sometimes I eat out and on bad days I tend to eat up to 1500 calories. Once a week, usually Saturday's I tend not to eat at all as my work schedule is extremely busy that day. I am hoping as the new month approaches that I do not take any breaks and continue to take duromine everyday in combination with moderate exercise. I do intend on counting calories everyday as well, it just keeps me on track with what I eat.
20 more kgs until my goal weight! I am excited to see the outcome.


You are doing great, I think. Despite your slip-ups on holidays. But you should stay focused and try hard not to go back to old eating habits. Anyways, even 1500 calories is within normal limits.
Good luck with the next 20 kg!! ;););)
Thank you Kate! Very kind of you :)

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1 min read
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