2015 Weigh in - Week 1

  • Author Big Girl SA
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Start weight when my weight loss journey began in June 2014: 114.7kg
Now 92.5kg
Lost so far: 22.2kg
Lost on Duromine: 15.2kg

Morning all

So, I had a big loss this week (4.5kg), after my weight gain over the holidays. Just another 1.6 to go, then I will be at the same weight I was by end of 2014. The 1st week is always a big loss, so I know that this coming week will be much less, but still hoping to at least lose the 1.6 to get back to where I was (90.9kg), and taking it from there. Still cant believe I did this to myself again - but at least I know what I did wrong, and how to fix it right? :) I've decided to see this in a good way, as I know this was a valuable lesson I had to learn, to enable me to keep the weight down for the rest of my life. I don't care if my mother in law tells me I'll never by skinny because I'm short, or because I've got big hips, or as she puts it...I have "elephant legs". I don't care if I have no support from my family. I will show them all. Yes, the claws are coming out, I will fight for this. Every single day.

Monday I am also starting a new training schedule, looking forward to the challenge. Never believed I would be the one looking forward to lifting weights and jogging and Taibo and Zumba and so much more. I love this new active lifestyle, and I can see how this has had an impact on my life and relationships. Also looking into joining a gym, even if I will be the biggest girl there, I don't care, because I know this is for ME ;)

Good luck to all of you for this coming week, and I am hoping to read a lot of success stories in 2015!

Motivation for the week: Go ahead and tell me that I'm not good enough. Tell me that I cant do it. Because I will show you over and over again that I CAN!!!
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Hey buddie!!!:laughing:

Don't fret the small stuff my dear.
They might not support you but we do!!!
It's just jealousy setting in,give them a deaf ear my doll.:p


Blog entry information

Big Girl SA
Read time
2 min read
Last update

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