2015 Weigh in - Week 2

  • Author Big Girl SA
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Start weight when my weight loss journey began in June 2014: 114.7kg
Now 91.5kg
Lost so far: 23.2kg
Lost on Duromine: 16.2kg

Okay, so I lost another 1kg this week, bit disappointed as I've been working really hard on exercise this week, and have been eating correctly, but hey, a loss is a loss, and I'm happy with that :)

Seems that those 80's keep on eluding me...but I'll get there, and soon!

I ran into my friend that I haven't seen in a few months, and the 1st thing she said was "Wow!" She has been following my weight loss on FB, and could not believe how much weight I had lost when she saw me. Definitely what I needed. I have to admit though, and I'm not sure if you other ladies experience the same thing, but I have NOT been seeing much of a difference in the mirror. Yes, the clothes are too big, I'm down from a 44 to a 38 but when I look in the mirror, I cant seem to see the change. It must be a mental thing.

Exercise has been good to me. My hubby and son tried my routine on Monday, and they couldn't keep up :p This new exercise routine has been tough, and my body is feeling the effects. I could hardly walk down stairs on Tuesday, but its much better now. Your body adapts a lot quicker than we realise.Even my mother in law commented that this is the smallest she has ever seen me (that's not true though, cause when I got married, I weighed 86). It must be the exercise that makes the difference.

Motivation for the week: Even if you cant physically see the results in front of you, every single effort is changing your body from the inside. Never get discouraged!
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Great! You lost so much actually. As for the visual effect, I think you could see better how your body has changed, if you would have done some before/after photos. Or some regular pics each week. Because you know when you look in the mirror every day you are getting used to what you see if it makes sense.
AWESOMENESS!!!!!!! :laughing:

You are doing so good.
I must agree with Kate we get use to seeing ourselves everyday.:)

I like the fact that people are seeing a difference and keeping up with you it's almost like you're own reality show!!!! ;)

So proud of you keep going girl keep going!!!:laughing:

Can't wait to read you're next weigh in blog....:p

Blog entry information

Big Girl SA
Read time
2 min read
Last update

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