2015 Weigh in - Week 7

  • Author Big Girl SA
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Start weight when my weight loss journey began in June 2014: 114.7kg
Now 85.5kg
Lost so far: 29.2kg
Lost on Duromine: 19.6kg

Yes! I lost 1.5kg this week, without any D. Proving to myself and others that I can do this ;) I am getting real close to my next target....I can already see it in my mind! Exercise has now become part of who I am, and friends and family are commenting on the amazing journey I have had so far. I have another 25.5kg to go, and those who believed I couldn't lose it, are now coming around and supporting this final stretch. I know that I will lose the weight, I don't care how long it takes.

Hubby lost 1kg this week, and my son had a stand still :) So nice to know that I have inspired them to join the gym with me, and our little family now each have their own fitness goal that we are working towards. I haven't seen this fighting spirit in any of us before, and I am PROUD to go to the gym every day with them, being an example for my son, and learning as much as I can about exercise and food choices. There is absolutely no way, that I will ever go back to where I was, and that's a promise. Ruben (my son - 10yrs old) commented this week, that when he exercises, he feels much more calm and happy. I have seen a huge improvement in his over all fitness. He is my inspiration every single day. Extremely proud!

I have noticed that I am feeling much hungrier at night, so I have started adding a whey-protein shake that helps with muscle recovery to my diet. I take it just before bed time, and it does seem to help with the hungry feeling, so that I don't eat or snack on anything I shouldn't.

Wishing you all a great week!

PS - Where have all the forum supporters gone?

Motivation for the week: Your biggest challenge isn't someone else. Its the ache in your lungs and the burning in your legs and the voice inside your that yells "CANT", but you don't listen. You just push harder, and then you hear the voice whisper "CAN", and you discover that the person you thought you were, is no match for the one you really are.


So happy for you! It is really inspiring to see your family supports you in gym. I wish my hubby join me too))))
I think the idea with protein shake to lessen hunger at night - is great. I used to do this earlier, but now I prefer some yogurt if I feel hungry and I usually do because I tend to work at night (I don't know why but I'm more productive at nights). Thank you for sharing and keep posting!
P.S. No doubt you will lose your final goal weight soon, as you seem really enjoy the process!

Blog entry information

Big Girl SA
Read time
2 min read
Last update

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