2017 week 4-10

  • Author Mumo3girls
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
hey guys it's been awhile since j posted..
For those who don't know my story and can't be bothered reading it all here is a brief run down..
August 2016, I started duromine at 107kgs.
I ended 2016 at 96kgs, 7kgs while on duromine, the rest on my own.
Currently sitting at about 94.5 kgs and decided to get another kick start from duromine.
I have only been to the gym a few times this year due to new job and kinder and school taking up most of my free day times but I've been running 3 days a week.
In August 2016, I struggled to run for 30 secs.. a few weeks ago I done a fun run and ran the whole 5km without stopping.
I have taught myself to pace slowly to achieve my goal.
This Sunday I am doing a 7km Trail fun run.. my goal is to do it under an hour, I'm not pushing myself, it's just another event to tick off my bucket list.
Unlike so many people I'm here for the long haul. So often I have tried to lose weight in a time frame and failed once I stopped losing, but this time I'm NOT STOPPING..
I haven't lost much this year, but i haven't gained and I haven't quit .. so I'm still winning. Life has ups and downs, we have to go with them..
good luck to everyone who's just starting, and all the best to those continuing on their journey..
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