2017 week one weigh in

  • Author Mumo3girls
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So it's a new year so I'm starting my weigh ins from week one again.
No duro here.
First weigh in for 2017 was a gain of 800gms. Not bad for Xmas and new year gain.
Start weight before duro
July 2016 = 107kgs
Start duro August= 106kgs
End 2016 = 96kgs

Week one 2017 = 96.8kgs

Proud to say I'm gaining major fitness here now. I decided I want to run. Have done SIDS fun run for 3 years in a row and not ran more than 3mins at a time or maybe 600mtrs..
Last night, I ran for 28mins = 3.5km

So freaken excited!!
Fitter than I've been in my life and not far off lightest I've been as an adult...
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Wow! That is so great, Mumo3girls, this is a progress!. I keep following your posts and admire that you are still here going towards your goal. We all have/had our ups and downs, but the main thing is to keep going. Congrats! ;)
What an amazing achievement! Keep up the good work! :)

Blog entry information

Read time
1 min read
Last update

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