2017 wk 2 and 3

  • Author Mumo3girls
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Week 2 and 3 of 2017

I've managed to lose the little bit I gained over Xmas and new year but am struggling to go further with the kids on school holidays and being surrounded by food constantly.

Anyways, trying to not get down on myself and push hard these next few weeks with my goals..

Current weight 96kgs
Start weight 107kgs July 2016
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Sounds like you're doing a great job! Keep it up :)
Hello! How are you doing today? You’ve reported last time almost a month ago and I wonder if you are still moving towards your goals. Wish you a strong motivation and a consistent weight loss!!!
Arghhh struggling big time.. lack of routine with school holidays has killed me.. but I'm still pushing.. as hard as I can manage.. NEVER GIVING UP!!
NOW THAT’S TOUGH!!! NEVER GIVING UP is something only strong people are capable of! So now I know that you’re a strong person, and I think it’s high time to put a mini goal and not let anything distract you from getting there in the shortest possible time. What’ll it be? What first mini-goal will you choose:

1. To reach a certain weight (90) as soon as possible

2. To not let a single day go by without a comprehensive 45-minute workout (for 10 days).

3. To make a schedule and eat every 2.5 hours, healthy food and healthy food combinations, in servings that are not bigger than your fist (for 10 days).

Which one will it be? Let’s do it together! I know how hard it is, trust me. Yet, we, strong girls are capable of defeating any obstacle that stands on our way. Are you in?
Hiiiiiii!!!! Did I say something wrong? Did I scare you with my ideas? =)) Hope not, and I really hope you managed to get back on track with your weight loss plan! Hope you will drop in and leave a few lines about your progress and feelings. I wish you all the best and fingers crossed for the kilos to melt!
Omg APRIL.. I am sooooo sorry I didn't come back to read comments sooner... I'm still here..
I'm keen to get to the 90 asap..
As a mum of 3, who's just started a new job and life is just, a 45 min workout every day is impossible.. and eating every 2.5 is impossible too..

I will end this here because I'm about to do another update..
Heeeey! It’s so good to see you back! It’s ok, it’s just my worries. I usually work with one person at a time, and this forum thing is quite new for me, so I will always worry whether I said something wrong, when people disappear after my long messages. (I am a talkative person =)) )

The main thing is that you’re back on track and I hope that your life craze won’t stop you from going till the end, just like you wrote in your recent posts (read that). =)

Amm.. I understand that it is impossible to introduce anything out of three things I mentioned above. However, I might just help you push it a little with an offer to make at least the plank exercises. Takes 30 sec to 3 min, and helps you tone your body and muscles. At least this…

I also can’t let unnoticed the fact that your body went through such considerable changes, your decisiveness to run the Trail fun run. Soooo looking forward to your story about how it was. Wish you luck and to have lots of fun! =) Fun runs are usually about the fun, so don’t forget to take tons of funny photos with people wearing weird costumes. It will be a good memory to keep. Best of luck!

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1 min read
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