21 weeks

  • Author SweetTeddie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Good Morning All,

Geez, the realization hit this morning that I am almost at the 5 month mark and what a couple of months it's been.
Losing 5.9 in my first week to standing still for almost two weeks another week. Roller coaster ride of my life. But it has all been worth is.

I feel a lot of the old habits creeping back and to me this is now unacceptable for me. I am testing the waters this week, to see how well I will be able to get back to my new habits, counting calories and saying no. If I struggle too much, I am considering going back onto the Duromine - but we are holding thumbs that I will be able to do it without my super pill.

Wishing the best to all of you.

P.S after another 2 week stand still I have lost 900g

SW 138.9
CW 105.6 (33.3 Loss)
GW 75
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Well done SweetTeddie, that is a lot of weight in a short period of time. I totally agree that while on D you have to retrain your brain, body and habits to be more health so that when finishing D the weight will not pile back on, but it is a struggle.

Good luck, hold thumbs with you.
Thumbs up yes!
34 kg that's huge!!
You can do a lot more.
Sticking with it is a big achievement.
What a huge loss you have had.
I am also at a stand still ATM, while still on the D, so just keep going and see what you can do. We all go through periods where the weight loss slows down, but we just have to persevere to get things going again.

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1 min read
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