24 Days Later

  • Author Scribbles
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
It's 10:22 PM and it has marked 24 days without a binge. Can't believe it myself. Duromine really does help in that area. I think my stomach also has finally settled down to the lesser amount of food that goes in there.

The Start And Now
  • At the start I was very aware of food. Now I think less about it.
  • At the start I was hungry a bit. Now hardly at all.
  • At the start I focused too much on food. Wanting it. Wanting all the sugary refined stuff. Now I don't miss cakes and biscuits.
  • At the start I would lie in bed thinking about losing weight and how long it would take and wishing I was at goal weight. Now I obsess less. I am taking it one day at a time.
  • At the start I hadn't been keeping up with regular exercise. Now I'm out there 4 days a week.
  • At the start I felt fat, lazy and unhealthy. Now I feel more energetic (from eating right) and feel much healthier.
  • At the start it seemed like a big mountain to climb. Now it's more a medium hill.
  • At the start I wondered if I'd be able to keep going. Now I feel that I can do this and keep doing it.
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