24 Weeks

  • Author SweetTeddie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Good Morning All,

It has been a rough couple of weeks for me and my family, so weight loss came to a full stop.

I the past two weeks I have picked up weight, lost weight and started the roller coaster of eating wrong or not eating at all. In the last week I have tried my best to get back on track but it seems to be an uphill battle but I have successfully lost 1kg since my last update.

Hope you all are having a fantastic day and week so far.


SW 138.9
CW 102.4 (-36.5)
GW 75
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It happens with everyone eventually...
But you can stay focused because it is now your new life and you should be kind to your body and yourself in general. Don't be too harsh on you, ok? You had your 'vacation' and now let's get back and work hard!))) :laughing::cool:
You know we love you anyway :)
I know how hard it is to keep it up for this long. Doing anything consistently for 24 weeks you need a medal. Don't be hard on yourself. Regroup and look at the big picture. You have had a HUGE loss of 36.5 kilos.
I stalled when I got close to 100 kilos too. Have stalled again TBH.
Go and find some bags of potatoes (4kg each) then try to pick up 9 of them at once. YEP that is how much extra weight you were carrying about and YOU have lost it. Now tell me how great that feels.
36.5 kg loss is amazing you have lost more than double my 17.5kg your fantastic :) & like Sharon said just try and carry 9 x4kg bags of potatoes, I always picture 1kg blocks of sugar lol :p we all go through these ups & downs :( ..it's ok though because you are staying true to yourself & writing in your blog .. Which tells me you haven't given up on your goal ...life somtimes gets in the way of our goals, I guess it's about picking yourself up and finding your motivation and moving ahead one day at a time;) I'm wishing you a great week & lighter scale teddie :)

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Read time
1 min read
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