2nd weigh in & upping dosage to 30mg of Duromine.

  • Author Kimberley Hitchings
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Sooooooo ...
I sort of knew I'd put on weight in the last month to be honest, but I'd really really hoped I didn't. I say this because I get veryyyy despondent over weight gain. I put on 3.8kgs in the last month. Mostly due to being on holiday and not focussing 100% on eating right. I ate okay, but not as good as I could have. I snacked a lot more than usual; snacking really does make a difference (bad difference). I did exercise more though but I guess that didn't help much.. Anyways, I'm home and hopefully I can get back into routine quickly and just get focussed! I must remember that I'm doing this for me, because my body needs it!

On another note, my doctor prescribed me a higher dosage of 30mg because I'm back home now. We were originally going to go up in dosage during my previous visit but since I was going on holiday we thought it wasn't a good idea incase there were bad side effects. Currently in my second day of taking the 30mg tablet and I feel fine. No crazy side effects etc, so all is looking good at the moment.

I had the impression a couple weeks ago that the pills weren't really doing anything. I felt as though my body had gotten used to them already and it wasn't having any effect. I'm not sure if that was just what I thought because I was in a different environment or what, but I'll comment on this later when I've taken this dosage for a big longer. I also haven't had my period in well over a month. My periods are always irregular but I don't think by this much- I don't know whether this is a side effect of Duromine or not..

Anyways, that's about all I need to say. Hopefully I can do better this month!


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Kimberley Hitchings
Read time
2 min read
Last update

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