4 weeks in...day 25 ( late entry)

  • Author jes
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Made it to my 2nd weight in, didn't loose any kilo's this fortnight, but taking a negative and turning it into a positive, I didn't gain any either...so I'm okay with this.

Both my doctor and I agree, this was likely due to my stress levels being extremely high as I had been coping with my schedule but a personal tragedy derailed me. I did break down and was mentally and emotionally stone-walled for just over a week. Therefore I didn't eat sufficiently and didn't bother with exercise.

However, I nipped it in the butt and made a conscious decision to address the issues at hand so I can process them and get back on my feet whilst attending to my responsibilities. If, I wasn't able to pull myself out as quickly as I did, then I would of agreed with the possibility that Duromine had affected my mental health and had put me back in a state where I simply would of been unable to function for a prolonged period.

Time as they say heals wounds and definitely in this instance that is the case. As more days pasted, I climbed out of the hole I had been in. Seeking professional help straight away, being clear of mind enough to do that, is almost a miracle in itself. I've been on the roller coaster of depression and anxiety for a few years now and being open minded and accepting help when you need it, helps the process.

Anyway, apart from that, my mood has slowly been getting back to normal, I have no known side effects now of the drug except the occasional hyper-appetite(strange-annoying). I am consciously making efforts to change my eating habits such as eating slower, drinking water before a meal, everything that is simple and doesn't require too much of a sudden change. I still enjoy going out for a soy-coffee and having some naughties, but the quantity and frequency is less and less. Likely also, because my level of tolerance for foods which i am intolerant too has decreased to the point that I cannot have anything of that nature...sucks (coincidence I am sure) but I'm lucky as I just get nauseous and throw up, whereas others are less fortunate and can die! I do not crave sugar! thanks to Duromine, therefore, I can quite comfortably have 1/2 -1 tsp of sugar, instead of 3!

So there we go another fortnight down! Will be starting on 40mg next week, Sunday 6th December 2015. Until then x


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