40 days down, 10kg loss.

  • Author Lottie86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Looks like the sacrifice I’m making when it comes to food is working and worth it.

10kgs gone! Still having trouble seeing it myself but others around me think they see the change.



That is absolutely fantastic! 2.5kg down every 10 days!!!

Would love to know what your diet is like? if you feel like sharing :)

And have you taken measurements?
@Rava Hi there,
Sorry for the late reply. Currently I’m just doing low carb as I’ve never been able to do the calorie counting thing. I’ve always had good results doing low carb.

I’ve cut out refined sugars, mostly gluten free, don’t have bread, I drink more water no soft drinks or alcohol, might have 1-2 coffees but not all the time. I eat a lot of salmon, chicken and some red meats. My portion sizes are smaller and I always start the day off with eggs. I’ll probably write a what I eat in a day sometime this weekend.

I don’t measure myself as I’m useless. I rely on pictures and scales. :)
Thanks so much for the reply :)

I love me some eggs! They are such an easy protein hit that leaves you so full.

My diet was focused on low carb, but the last 2 days I have been adding some low GI ones in (mainly rolled oats in the morning) as I felt my energy flagging terribly every day between 3 - 4pm. It has helped some and am experimenting till the end of week :)

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