5 Week Duromine - 8 Week Weight Loss Journey - Update

  • Author Vamp Girl
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well today I had my 8 week health check with my Exercise Physiologist.
I've been seeing Nick for 8 weeks now and am in week 5 of Duromine.
Total weight loss 5.5kg
Total body measurements - 24.5cm lost overall
To be honest I thought my measurements would be better so i'm feeling a little disappointed as I can see the change in my body and just thought it would be more.
Oh well - guess I'll have to try harder for the next 8 weeks.


Hello Vamp Girl. I am really sorry to know that you’re disappointed with such GREAT RESULTS! So, your weight is a little less than 77 kg now. ¾ to go till the goal weight.

The main thing is that you can see the changes for good and it doesn’t really matter what the scales or measurements show, if you see a good progress. I think you dropped a size for sure.

If it worries you, we might try and come up with some ideas of how to boost your weight loss a little. I just need to know more about your nutrition and eating schedule. I will not interfere with the exercises, since you already have Nick who, I am sure, does his job well. If you wish, you’re welcome to write down how you eat, and we’ll see, if there is anything I can come up with.

And please, don’t be disappointed… our feelings and state of mind also affect the weight loss progress, so negative thoughts are banned! =0)) have a great day and be proud of yourself!
Hi, I have a coffee and sweetners when I wake up. A hard boiled egg around 10.00am. Gym 12.00pm. Lunch usually salad and tuna or a small portion of left overs from the night before dinner. My dinner is cooked for me but I have a small (child size portion). Drink lots of water and maybe 2 glasses of zero coke. That's about it.
Hello Vamp Girl. Darn, I keep seeing how you keep getting disappointed and discouraged… and I feel so sad, and my heart goes out to you. I know how hard it can be to keep struggling without getting any results, or the results you would expect. It seems to me that your food intake is a bit insufficient… I didn’t notice any useful carbs in your diet, unless they are hidden in your dinner, which is not a prefect time to consume them. Did a small search, and here’s which carbs they advice to eat in the first half of the day, which, according to a Harvard research helped people lose more weight, compared to those, who were avoiding them, while on low-calories diet: barley, whole-grain bread (you can add it to your morning egg), chickpeas, pears (rich in fiber), quinoa (twice as much fiber as its “relatives”, and is a complete protein), black beans, sweet potatoes (these were proven to help your metabolism work more efficiently), green peas, oats.

Another thing that bothers me about your usual diet, is the sweeteners you consume… so it’s a cup of coffee and two glasses of zero coke. While it is not proven 100%, there is multiple research, which shows that artificial sweeteners actually can contribute to weight gain. Is it possible that you totally cut them? They really don’t do any good to any system of your body.

And, just like you did with Duromine to help kick start it again by skipping a day, you might try to skip a day of meager eating, and up your food intake for a day. This might help fight the plateau.

Did you discuss this situation with Nick? Does he change your exercises? Muscle groups, intensity, duration. All these matter and your body can get used to them with time, if you don’t change anything at all.

I wish I could do anything.. more… I keep my fingers crossed and hope you will see better ENCOURAGING results very soon. Something should be changed, and you will see the changes, I am sure about that.
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Vamp Girl
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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