6 Weeks Of Highs And Lows

  • Author MrsRod
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I am almost at the end of week 6. Week 2 - 5 I did not take Duromine as in Week 2 when I started using my weight either came to a stand still or I gained weight. Over the weekend in week 5 I decided to try again as I was a month into healthy eating and was hoping that the Duromine would now start working after my initial body shock and......it's working !!! I am so happy after a couple of weeks of truly wanting to throw the towel in my weight is coming off a bit quicker now. It's still not where I had hoped it would have been after 6 weeks...was hoping for at least a 10kg lost but fingers crossed by the end of this week I will be 7kgs lighter. I still can't feel the weightloss on my clothing or in the mirror but hopefully the next 6-7kg will start showing more results.

Side effects: Restless sleeping and mild constipation.

My Christmas wish: 15kg lighter from SW = 78kg

06.08.12 93.4kg
07.08.12 91.3kg 2100G 2.1kg
08.08.12 91.0kg 300G 2.4kg
09.08.12 91.4kg +400G 2kg
10.08.12 90.4kg 1000G 3kg
11.08.12 90.1kg 300G 3.3kg
13.08.12 90.0kg 100G 3.4kg
14.08.12 90.0kg 0 3.4kg
15.08.12 90.3kg +300G 3.1kg
16.08.12 90.0kg 300G 3.4kg
17.08.12 90.2kg +200G 3.2kg
18.08.12 89.7kg 500G 3.8kg
19.08.12 89.7kg 0 3.8kg
20.08.12 89.7kg 0 3.8kg
21.08.12 89.8kg +100G 3.7kg
22.08.12 89.4kg 400G 4.1kg
23.08.12 89.2kg 200G 4.2kg
24.08.12 89.2kg 0 4.2kg
25.08.12 89.0kg +200G 4.4kg
26.08.12 88.9kg 200G 4.5kg
27.08.12 89.1kg +200G 4.3kg
28.08.12 88.9kg 200G 4.5kg
29.08.12 89.1kg +200G 4.3kg
30.08.12 88.7kg 400G 4.7kg
31.08.12 88.9kg +200G 4.5kg
01.09.12 88.5kg 400G 4.9kg
02.09.12 88.7kg +200G 4.7kg
03.09.12 88.9kg +200G 4.5kg
04.09.12 88.9kg 0 4.5kg
05.09.12 88.7kg 200g 4.7kg
06.09.12 88.8kg +100g 4.6kg
07.09.12 88.9kg +100G 4.5kg
08.09.12 88.1kg 800G 5.3kg
09.09.12 88.0kg 100G 5.4kg
10.09.12 87.6kg 400G 5.9kg
11.09.12 87.9kg +300g 5.6kg
12.09.12 87.7kg 200g 5.8kg
13.09.12 87.7kg 0 0
14.09.12 86.9kg 800g 6.6kg :laughing:


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