8 days

  • Author Ashleigh
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So....... 08/01/2012

It's been 8 days and I have lost nothing :( :( (I THINK!) I Have weighed myself on scales that I have been told can lie/choose not to work properly sometimes, So I'm having faith that's what's going on, So even if they have failed me, I have probably only lost 1kg if that which is disappointing considering I've been through a bit (side effects) this week. I will be honest and haven't had a strict eating plan, But in saying that I cut back from having 3-4 cokes a day to 3 in total last week, i never ever use to drink water and I bought a 10L bottle/carton and have been pretty much the whole way through it and that doesn't include the water I have bought being out/at work. Has anyone been on duromine and found they lost nothing in there first week? This week today is Sunday so tomorrow I shall try a strict eating habit & add some exercise into it.. I' so disappointed in myself :(


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