A day at its End...

  • Author Vetgatjie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I drank about six bottles of 750ml of water today...keeping myself hydrated, the Duromine is making me a tinge thirsty, but luckily I love water and don't mind visiting the W.C. 100 times a day!

Wasn't hungry for lunch, so I kept on with the water and had five or six small crackers with low fat cheese (normally I'd eat a whole packet of those small crackers!!), a cuppa coffee, milk and no sugar - but still sucking on another 750ml of water at 17h00! I am not letting Duromine do all the work - I'm doing my bit too - by not over-eating.

So far I am impressed with the Duromine and I really hope that when I go to the Doc in a month from now she will see a difference and I will feel a difference in my clothes. (A confession: I am quite nervous climbing on the scale next week Thursday!)

A wonderful holiday abroad with my family is my main motivation to lose all this weight, but also, in all honesty, I couldn't stand looking in the mirror anymore and seeing this poddgy little creature!

Until tomorrow all! Sleep tight. :cool:


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