About me

  • Author Mum86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I am 27
BMI at start - 40.4
BMI (current) -36.6
Size-20 AUS
Mother of 3- 5yr old, 2yr old and 3 month old
Starting weight 110kg
Mini goal 85kg
Goal 70kg
Stretch 65kg

My day consists of
Being a stay at home mum
Cleaning - everyday
Working out morning 9:30am (gym)
Working out afternoon 5:30pm (home)
Wednesdays-day out (park)
Fridays - shopping (groceries)

My eating plan (starting - current)

Breaky- Meal replacement shake
Snack- apple
Lunch- meal tea placement shake
Snack - apple / low carb bar
Dinner- meat (no salt) beans,peas, cabbage, carrot and maybe a little pasta or potato.
Snack- Sao with light cheese and tomato

Meal replacement shakes are only for another 2 weeks.

Am currently on week 2 of duromine and week 5 of working out and eating healthy.

My weight before kids- 65kg (this was my ideal weight)
Wanting to fit a size - 14

So keep an eye out for my posts :) and feel free to comment as we all need support :) stay positive and remember the reason your doing this!! :)


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Read time
1 min read
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