After First Week 3.3kg Down And Energy To Burn!

  • Author LeeLi
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Feeling so good.

Start weight 78.9kg 18/11/2015
75.6kg 25/11/2015

3.3kg in one week - I am very happy with that

10kg to go until back to my normal weight of 65kg

Want to get down to 60 kg if possible

Happy Dance.

Will be interested to see the amount I lose in this next week. Will not change anything I am doing.


Everything is possible, trust me! You did a great job and you deserved that weight loss for sure. Just keep in mind that the first week gives you the largest weight loss due to water retention, as a rule. So, please don't be too disappointed if you lose smaller amount of weight the next week. It is a normal thing, this is how our body reacts. I wish you to achieve your goal anyways. ;)
Jay Seeks
That's awesome! I'm at 72/73kgs atm and just started day one of the 30mg! I'm aiming for 58kgs. Im actually so excited about this stuff as I had SO MUCH energy - I don't think I've ever had this much energy that lasted!!! :laughing: :laughing: I didn't crave anything, even though I could feel my body being hungry (grumbling and bubbling) I wasn't ravenous like I usually am and wasn't moody. I have been in the best mood today, super motivated and productive. Im keen to see what the results are in a few weeks!! :laughing: This makes me excited because yours is the first blog Ive seen of girls who are below 80kgs to start with. :) :)
The energy is the best part for me so far (day one lol) because I actually have the energy to workout and to do the stuff I want to do PLUS I dont have the burden of constantly being hungry and thinking about food. Going to be an interesting one for both of us I think!

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1 min read
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