After Week 4 On Duromine 30 mg

  • Author rootesy
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hey again ladies and gents... it's weigh in time!

Well this week was a bit different than last week! Before I was on the 15mg but this week I have been taking the 30mg from last Saturday. I haven't felt much different at all! No side effects what-so-ever! I must be one of the lucky ones I guess :eek:

This week I was pretty good with my eating but I ate white bread a few times which was a big no-no but for some reason I ate the crap anyways. I walked to work every morning which was bloody COLD! It was -2 degrees two of the mornings! So here are the results of my weeks weigh in...

Date: 27th of May 2011
Body Weight: 124.3kg
Weight loss this week: 2.3kg
Taking: Duromine 30mg

Weight loss to date: 8.6kg!

As you can see the 30mg made a big difference from last week! I just hope it just keeps going ;)

Cheers everyone!


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