Another day..

  • Author fatchic
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Day twenty three on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs-
Bit of a blah day with things not working out as planned. Woke at 7am had left over chilli beef for breakfast. Did two hours of dance, wanted to do 2.5 but lil man was not happy with that idea. Had 2 litres of water and a cup of orange juice today. Got dizzy an hour and 15 minutes into the dancing. had a mandarin for lunch. Did a slow cooked chicken shanks in honey dijon mustard for tea.. The plan was originally to do a mash with it then just eat the chicken but decided to put some potatos and beans in after the chicken had been on for a bit. Family was unable to make tea so i ended up eating a tin of tuna and then a couple slices of bread.. Not so bad calorie wise but too many carbs. Oh well, will eat like a king for breakfast tomorrow o_O Going to do stomach crunches and pelvic thrusts before bed. Couldn't do after dinner walk due to sporradic weather and dinner being postponed til late. Will do dancing before going out tomorrow.


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