Another kg down in 9days

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Feeling pretty proud of my self so far, i now use the Fitness Pal app which has helped me so much with watching my calories and only consuming what i need to daily, also it reminds me i need to drink more water and to exercise i try & drink 3 liters or more a day i struggle some days but most days i can do it, exercise is what i am enjoying the most not being so heavy definitely boosts my confidence levels and motivates me to push myself more then i ever have. I started at 93.5 kgs week 1, and lost 8.5 kgs in 23 days, i am now on week 8 and have lost another 1 kg since i weighed myself 9 days ago. So my weight now is 84 kgs goal weight 70 kgs :) am hoping to reach this goal in the new year. I am moving to australia in January and hope im still able to continue Duromine while living there. Good luck to everyone else :) xxxxx
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