• Author Vamp Girl
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hello everyone.
It's been a while since I updated you all. Weighed myself this morning - another kg down - yahoo.
The weight loss has slowed down now but slow and steady wins the race right?
I have to say that I preferred the 30mg to the 40mg that i'm on now. I have dry mouth constantly and find the only thing that helps is zero coke, although I try not to drink more than 2 glasses a day. I am chewing the inside of my lip and making it sore.
Sleep is not a problem though I'm finding it easy to sleep although I'm waking up about an hour earlier than I used to.
Still smashing it at the gym and trying to eat healthy (although when someone else does the cooking all the time it's difficult).


Hey Vamp girl,
Thats so great to hear! Congrats!
Just wondering if you could see ur doc again and swich back to the 30's? I know it's costly to get scrips filled, but it might be an idea? So encouraging to hear ur still at the gym, slow and steady is good coz after all, we want our success to be long term and duromine just gives us a kick start to make these more permenant life changes like implementing healthy eating and weightloss. Well done babe!
Hello Vamp Girl!!! Woohoo!! Congratulations!!! You are so right, slow and steady does win the race. And we have to add the one with a positive attitude, as well. =)

I agree with NorthBeach about switching back to 30 mg. Either way, it’s you to decide. The main thing is that you feel well. And I really hate it that because of this Duromine effect, you have to drink the zero coke. =(((

Is there any possibility to ask that someone who does the cooking alter something for you. Either way, the person is preparing all the ingredients, so might just use two pans or saucers and less oil on your part, as well as baking instead of frying. Just suggesting. I did it like that, when I was on my weight loss program with Duromine. I always tried to feed my family in a healthy way, still they wouldn’t eat most of what I ate, i.e. boiled onion (which I like =) ), and they like a steak coked properly, while I was oven baking it in foil for myself.

Respect for your committed work in the gym. I hope Nick keeps making you push harder. =0))

Have a lovely day and best of luck to you!

Blog entry information

Vamp Girl
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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