Anybody plz help i am loosing my mind here

  • Author Zandile
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hey can somebody plz help me.It my second day on Duro an i went jogging in the morning 10KM which was 1hour an 30 minutes active, is dt inough exercise to assist d pill to loose more weight?do i have to take the pill same time everyday

Can i drimk green tea an honey?

Can i drink healthy shake with skimmed milk?

Can i excercise twice a day? By jogging in the morning an going to the gym in afternoon?

Plz plz help


Hello Zandile! Sorry, I didn’t have the opportunity to answer you yesterday…

To your question about exercising – it seems like quite a high load, and it works really well for many people. However, you should consume enough calories to fuel your body and take these calories from healthy foods. People find that they are losing more weight when they increase their calorie intake to 1900 calories while exercising heavily, instead of keeping to 1200 calories. Such long daily runs require serious nutrition so that you don’t exhaust your body and deprive it of energy. I am not sure how much you weigh, how much you want to lose, etc. If you go to the gym in the evenings, I would suggest you have one consultation with the local doctor or consultant, who can help you determine your body fat percentage, the amount of calories you burn a day while at rest, the amount of calories you burn during the run, as well as the calories you burn during your gym sessions AND help you with the daily caloric value and menu.

Don’t forget that nutrition is the main factor for a good weight loss, so you need to focus on it quite seriously. Now to the healthy shake. I don’t really like these. However, it is always better if you have a good shake (that fits into your daily caloric value), instead of skipping a meal. DO NOT skip meals.

Green tea – I say yes! Honey… I am not that sure… when I was at the beginning of my weight loss journey, I consulted an endocrinologist, who told me that having drinks with sugar is bad. However, honey is like a sugar bomb, which, when being mixed in a drink, explodes into your blood and provides a very sharp rise in blood sugar level. So I stopped advising honey instead of sugar to anyone. But that’s just me… and that endocrinologist… who knows…

How do you feel today?

PS. Taking the pill around every day early in the morning can save you from insomnia.
Hai April thank you somuch for replying and for the advice,my staring weight is 95KG and my goal is 68KG.I am a little bit tired coz of my morning runs,i am taking the pill at 4am so far so good ony one side effect of not sleeping peacefully i sleep like 2 hours then be awake 2 hours then fall again like dt till morning bt strange i dnt feel sleepy or tired during the day.

I had a banana for breakfast ,lunch i had veggies an chicken breast, i am trying so hard to eat even if i dnt feel hungry i jst eat a fruit and water.

The Shake is Herbal Life bt i can do without it .

I will stop the honey an drink green tea with lemon.

For now i will only stick to exercising once a day 4 to 5 days a week so i can giv my body time to rest an heal due to the fact that i only eat very small potions.

So far it been great an i am loving the duro an the support thank you ...... Will keep u updated on my weight loss journey

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