Aussie girls point of view on duromine

  • Author sugamuff
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 4 min read
As most or probably everyone has done on here, they have heard about duromine and have googled before buying this medication and got turned off by peoples feedback. If you have exhausted all avenues and are not sure about duromine, give it a go. you have nothing to lose - except for some money, but what diet doesnt cost money

I am lucky to have no side effects at all. I believe that the people experience normal/mild/severe side effects, are the ones who usually have side effects with other medication they may have taken in the past. I have never ever, ever had any side effects to any meds. Something to do with the stomach and absorption within I reckon!


My name is Melanie and I’m from Sydney Australia.

So far I have had great success.

starting weight: 116KG at - 10 Feb

current: 103.5KG - 16 March

goal weight at the end of 3 months: 90KG TBA

goal weight without duromine: 80KG TBA

If you are on duromine and need advice or guidance, just remain positive.

Set yourself realistic goals. Believe that you can be a healthier version of yourself.

I have just finished my 30mg pack today (12 March) and tomorrow i start 40MG and im very excited.

Just so I didn’t throw my body into crazy shock mode, I started off by eating 500-600 calories a day with obvious healthy choices. I dont do exercise but if i walk (which is every day to work, to bus stop) I try and walk as fast as i can or just fast paced. but this is hardly 5 mins at a time. Then once i start my 40MG tomorrow, i will gradually introduce some exercise. I hate the gym and will be cancelling my membership - i feel so self concious at the gym. I have bought a stepping stool, skipping rope, 1x 6kg kettle bell and 2x 4kg dumbbells and i will just do a circuit of 5 mins each and changing activity over half hour at my house. They say small bursts of exercise are better than long slow paced exercise!

Here is an example of what I eat on a normal day:


Long black splash of skim milk - pretty much 5 or less calories

Egg Spinach and Turkey "Muffins" - recipe at the end! Approx 120 calories

or I buy a pack of 5 Atkin's weight loss bars to last me most of the week, at 101 calories each bar

or just a boiled egg. make eggs your best friend! approx 80 calories


Black Rice tuna avocado sushi - 200 calories

I have this same roll at least 5-6 times a week

Or canned tuna/salmon IN SPRING WATER! (not olive oil, not flavoured!)

with a can of corn with salt and pepper. usually on Sundays I buy a big butternut pumpkin, cut it up, mix in mince garlic coconut oil and salt and pepper, roast, and eat this with a can of fish.

Not sure on pumpkin calorie intake but I’m sure it’s under 100 due to being a vegetable.

and a can of fish IN SPRING WATER - cannot stress enough about flavoured/oiled canned fish! - is around 100 calories.


chicken or fish

with a cup of edamame beans MY FAV.

edamame beans frozen can be found at places like Asian supermarkets or Harris farms or those posh indie supermarkets. unfortunately they are not sold at woolies or coles. Edamame beans are high in protein and are yum!

On this note about the fish or chicken, there is actually a lot of options at coles and woolies that a frozen. Steggles is good for chicken. obviously not battered or tempura etc chicken. They are around 120 calories per piece. Same applies for fish, not battered, not tempura! just baked fish!

I have started to learn to cook (I hate cooking). I buy around 700 grams of chicken breasts to last me enough for my weeks’ worth of dinners, and google spice mixes, cut up my chicken breast into small pieces and cover in spices and bake. simple!


download a KJ TO CALORIE calculator on your phone.

everything in the supermarkets are in KJ and it annoys me.

It saves you time when shopping for food to know exactly what your buying and weather its calorific or not.

and start drinking long black coffee or green tea!

this only applies for people who are like me and have no side effects and just want to stretch duromine that little bit further during the day. caffeine strengthens duromine, but don’t go overboard with caffeine or else you will have a horrendous migraine.


Update soon!

Recipe for egg, turkey, spinach muffins

Wisk up around 6 eggs.

I add vegetable stock (powdered form) for some flavour.

Pour egg mix into a muffin tin.

I use a 6 hole muffin tin, and fill just before half way. put a few spinach leaves or layer some spinach so its covering the egg mixture. Fill a little bit more egg mixture and put some shredded/sliced turkey. Pour a bit more of the egg mixture over the turkey. You can change it and have egg and corn and peas, or egg and a bacon square in the middle of the egg muffin
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