Blog entries by Rita cachia

Rita cachia
Rita cachia
1 min read
Side effects
Antiacids like Mylanta may increase the effect of duromine in your system so don't take them close to bedtime.
Rita cachia
Rita cachia
1 min read
Week 1
Did .you know that if you have oranges or orange juice or vit c tablets you could be throwing out your so expensive Duromine out the toilet? If you must have it , take it 2 hrs before bedtime that way you can have a big drink of water , have time to pass it out And also get a good...
Rita cachia
Rita cachia
3 min read
Week 1
Hello everyone, I'm new here today and would like to share my weight loss journey with you if I may. Started Duromine 30mg last friday 11 th April 2014 .I read a lot of reviews about the product so I was a bit sceptical to tell the truth. Last friday I weighed 87.6 Kg and I am 5'8" tall. So...