Blog entries by Steph Sanders

Steph Sanders
1 min read
Day 7
Day 7: Yesterday was pretty uneventful, excess energy experienced in days prior is not really there as much now. Beginning to notice BM difficulty, will try and rectify that with diet. Weighed in at 70.9 this morning. Overall loss of 3.1 :)
Steph Sanders
1 min read
Day 5
Day 5: It's currently 3.52 pm and after another night shift at work I woke up slightly groggy to a postman banging on my door with a parcel at 10.30 am. I didn't go back to sleep after answering the door, which wouldn't usually be the case, as I would generally sleep to at least 12.30-1 pm. At...
Steph Sanders
1 min read
Day 4
Day 4: After waking at 11.30 am I decided to weigh myself. 72.4 kg - so a 1.6 kg loss over basically 2 and a half days - promising stuff! I spent the day with my boyfriend and bought a 6 inch chicken salad Subway sandwich (not sure why I opted for subway, never eat it) I wasn't able to finish it...
Steph Sanders
1 min read
Day 3
Day 3: Woke up at 8am after another night of little sleep, but again felt as though I'd slept 10 hours. I took my pills and ate a piece of fruit half an hour later. I then cleaned the house from top to bottom with way too much enthusiasm (which my housemate was very grateful for). That night I...
Steph Sanders
1 min read
Day 2
Day 2: Really began to notice the appetite suppressing aspect of the drug. I did not eat enough food this day, I must admit. I had an afternoon to evening shift at work and began to notice slight heart palpitations. As soon as I felt my heart begin to beat I felt a slight wave of nausea. I very...
Steph Sanders
2 min read
Day 4
Just thought I would start documenting my experiences with taking duromine. I am South Australian, female, 23 years old, 168 cm and started duromine 4 days ago. My weight was just over 74 kg when I visited a doctor in a walk-in clinic to get a new thyroxine prescription for my Hashimoto's. I...