Big Mistake

  • Author StormGirl2012
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
One more day to go and everything will return to normal! Although I must say that I have come through this unscathed. Fortunately (or unfortunately, whichever way you choose to see it) I am right off of alcohol since I started these pills. A bit disappointing as some people around the traps know that I quite enjoy a drink or 3, especially when we go to bowling practice. They're ready to start rumours about me being pregnant, as I've suddenly all but stopped drinking (I might have one then go on to water) and am always guzzling from my bottle of water! Anyhow . . . yesterday I did a really horrible thing to myself.

In the morning, I went to the gym for an hour on a protein shake for brekky and my pre workout drink before I left home. Totally smashed it. Anyway, to cut a long story short after we got home I did all my shower and stuff. Then I MEANT to make lunch. That was until I had a dummy spit at my husband about what he had on the TV and why he had it up so loud. I was annoyed because I was tired and just wanted to sit on my couch and enjoy a salad for lunch while watching something we could both agree on. Result - I skipped lunch as I wasn't hungry anyway and decided to go and do some home budget stuff ready for the new year. I must admit I was feeling extremely flat and totally depleted by about 4pm. By 5pm we had to have some dinner as we were going bowling at 6pm. Just a light meal is what we normally have before bowling. I had a bowl of home made soup with a buttered wholemeal roll. I felt so unwell by this time that I could only manage half of it. We ended up going bowling and my performance was deplorable to say the least. I could barely muster up the energy to pick up my bowling ball :(. How could I expect anything better after what I had done to my poor body? Note to self - never EVER do that again. :mad:
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Yes number 1 rule when on Duromine you must take care of yourself !!! Drink your fluids & most of all you must eat even if it is a small snack ....otherwise we turn into these unknown grumpy people lol ;) don't worry we have alll done it forgotten to eat said somthing to a loved one we wouldn't normally say :eek: good thing is you have realised what happened & know the triggers.... Have a great week :)

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2 min read
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