
  • Author fatchic
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  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Day ten on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs-
Had a bit of a restless sleep last night and ended up creeping out of bed and sitting in the lounge to read at 5am. I have missed reading lately and a lot of books are due back at the library so it was good to be able to power through a few :) it was quiet too so win win. Forgot to take my tablet til after the kids woke up and had breakfast. I ate one of the egg, bacon and two cheese muffins i made the day before because my 10yo sister thought the bacon tasted funny :rolleyes: and didn't want hers. Was a relatively slow morning, i rustled up the dregs of my craft collection and made paper plate masks with the kids and then we turned cardboard tubes into pompom shooters.. They were a big hit. Put on just dance and after one dance (there's no limit) i was sweating profusely, started shaking and felt slightly nauseas. As i had missed doing anything particularly active yesterday i kept at it and while i kept sweating by the time an hour was up i felt better so i was really glad i hadn't just sat down.
By this point it was a quarter past 12 so i set about making lunch for the kidlets.. warmed them up some left over lasagne and decided that i wanted something hot too. I had purchased a Coles simply less low calorie single serve meal as a back up recently and settled on that. Hadn't had chilli con carne in a looooong time so i was looking forward to it, I couldn't even finish it.. I ate most of it, don't get me wrong, leaving only perhaps 3 spoonfuls behind but i couldn't eat another bite.. I wasn't no longer hungry i was completely full to the point i was about to barf. I felt uncomfortable and sick for close to two hours after it. I'm not sure if it was because i ate it and drank 1 litre of water at around the same time- not that drinking with my meal has effected me adversely before, because i ate so soon after dancing or because i haven't really been eating lunch lately and the rice would have made it more filling?It sucked balls either way..
For tea i made the kids grilled snags in hotdog buns with sauce and cheese but as my stomach was still roiling i ate an apple and had another litre of water. 2.5 litres today.


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