Bye Bye Weight!!

  • Author LittleLaurz
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hello you bunch of fabulous people !

So my weeks been full on to say the least... Firstly i have been training a new staff member all this week so ive been concentrating super hard on my control not to have a total rage black out on him.. Seriously the most frustrating thing ive had to do for a while.. The kid needs a fire cracker up his arse to get him remotely motivated... Mind you i did let it slip that i was going to do exactly that if he didnt up his game haha seemed to do the trick for a couple of hours..
I must admit i was craving something unhealthy on thursday so i lashed out and got a small grilled chicken burger and chips.. Kinda just what i needed actually, definitely killed the cravings for junk food. Not that i felt sick after it or anything, it was just really dissatisfying... I would of enoyed a chicken grilled salad much more...
The torture of a 5hour long business meeting on a friday was defiantly a downer of a day! All i was thinking was ALCOHOL ... I NEED ALCOHOL!!! But to my credit came home put my feet up and relaxed, the alcohol cravings soon where forgotten after that.

I missed taking duromine on Saturday due to the fact i had an awesome sleep in, so didnt want to risk taking it late and then stairing at the ceiling all night. On the up side i still had loads of energy though. Gardened all afternoon in what felt like the heart of the Amazon!! (who ever said gardening was relaxing! Was a idiot!) it was a serious workout as well so at least that was a plus
Anyway wednesday's are my weigh in days. So on the scales i hopped... And there is was 108.3kg (lost 1.6kg) i must admit that it was a pretty good birthday present to myself ;) yes today is my birthday so having a treat with a small slice of cake tonight (it is my birthday after all)
Also checked my measurement and they are pleasing to say the least! It goes ti show even if you dont have a great week on the scales the measuring tapes can tell you a whole different story (mind you im pretty impressed with the relationship me and the scales are having at the moment too)

Happy slimming everyone ;)
Have a good one ;)

SW : 114.1
CW : 108.3

Lost: - 5.8kg


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