Challenge Accepted, Duromine!

  • Author akuna
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi to all

Half way through day 2 on 30mg. Currently 83kg and over it!

Yesterday was fine - slight buzz, little bit of a racing heart but appetite/cravings were non existent (huge deal for someone who liked stuffing their face with any kind of carb or sugar) !

I'm trying to stick to 1000 calories per day as a target. If I fall slightly under or over this, I still feel that's ok. Diet is currently consisting of a protein shake and berries for breakfast (I can't ever stomach anything in the mornings other than my coffee!), salad and protein for lunch and dinner and fruit and yoghurt or vegetable snacks in between.

I've always had an issue with drinking water but I'm managing about 1L per day which is great guns by my standards.

Day 2 is fine besides this killer headache I have It's more like a migraine. Other than that I've been alright.

I've been on duromine a few times in the past and never stuck with it. This time I'm going to see it through and reach the goal weight I have had for the last 10 years .... under 70kg or a size 10! I don't care how long it takes but, goddamn it, I'm wearing a bikini this summer!

I really feel it's important not to get too hung up on the number. Especially if you're working out - your body can change drastically just by swapping fat for muscle. That's why I'll also be taking measurements every week. The starting numbers are a little upsetting for me but that's ok. I know they'll change.

I feel like I just want to sleep until tomorrow. Hopefully this headache won't last too much longer and is just the result of carb and sugar withdrawals!

Stay strong everyone



Hello Akuna! Very inspiring post! Welcome to the forum and may your Duromine journey bring you success and that bikini looks fabulous on you! good to hear that you are not having too serious side effects and I hope you did sleep well.

There are a couple of things, though, that I can not leave unnoticed. About 1 l of water per day is very little when you are on Duromine. I know it is very difficult to make yourself drink if you are not a water drinker. However, you do need it now. Set up alarm clocks, reminders, anything and have a couple of sips now and then. You will cope with it with some time.

You said that you don’t really care about the number on the scales because you exercise. Exercising is great. However, if you exercise, 1000 calories per day is a very small number. You might be hindering your weight loss eating like that. It’s just my suggestion that you reconsider your nutrition. Multiple cases prove that people lose weight better when they consume enough calories, especially on days when they exercise.

Best of luck and a great day to you!
Hi April! And thank you :)

When I say 1L per day, this doesn't count my shake which I use roughly 500ml and can have one or two depending. Definitely going to be upping my water intake, already at 1.5L today ;) This is coming from someone who used to have maybe one or two glasses per day!! Water is definitely incredibly important so I do agree with you there.

With exercise, I only do light body weight workouts 2 times a week (I have a back injury and terrible knees). I just thought it would be important to mention measurements are a better way to see your success rather than waiting for the scales to drop. I spent 6 months last year working out regularly and eating a caloric dense diet and lost maybe 5kg but plenty of cms! Then it all came back again in the following months due to bad habits and poor mental health.

Looking forward to seeing some change!
Oh, my! I am so sorry about your health issues. You are bravo on having 2 workouts while having these problems. Applause! And I agree with you about the volumes. I am glad you realize the way things are with the weight loss and really really happy you decided to up your water intake. I see you’re determined and motivated, and this tells me you will go far. Oh, besides the measurements, photos are also a great aid to track your progress. =)

Changes are near!
Hello Akuna. How are you doing? Did the racing heart and headache subside? Feeling better? How’s that water doing? Did you manage to up the hydration at least a little bit? Hope you have a nice week!
Just had a read of your post. Looking at the date you've been on it for about 10 days now! How's things going???
Hello, ive just started too! Would love to know what it has been like for you??... im 84kg and stating on the 15mg tomorrow.

Same as you i intend to eat well amd drink losts of water and this week aim to get my hydration back as I feel horrible and very sluggish...

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