COME ON 10KG... driving me nuts!!! hee heee ... did NOT make my mini goal for my son in laws 30 on Sunday :(

  • Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi all, been a crazy week and a half, have not had much time to check in and chat to you all and read all your amazing posts, today I MADE THE TIME ..

LOST in CM this week, not KG ,not complaining toooo much, heeh ee, just want to c the 10kg loss mark now, it has been a long journey in such a short time ..

Put a pair of shorts on today that I have not SEEN or worn in 6 yrs..thought I GOT RID OF THEM LOL ..
hubby's like, "wow! have not seen those in awhile love !!"..I said "what my butt or my short ".. keep it up he said, you looking good... That is all I needed to hear...
As with this time of year comes all the naughty ,yummy, sweet, syrupy, gooey, nutty, stuff... and even though I do love chocolate so.. I have not needed, or desired any over the last 5 and half months, but suddenly my choc/sweet/ carb/ radar has been switched on !!! and I want it all. hahahahah..
Ate a WHOLE Toblerone, no dinner, but it was worth the sacrifice for one meal. lol ..Trying to keep my eyes away from the sweet isle in the shops , which I usually never go down, yet here I find myself sending hubby to the shops, and him bringing me a treat back, how could I refuse.. At least I am exercising again, but so tired the last few days, could be this crazy heat we having in Brisbane, my family do not want any hot meals for dinner ,they keep going for the icecream,so now I sit eating yogurt while they have icecream, just need to find an alternative for my chockies now too ..hope you all trying hard to not go to crazy over the next two months as well ...


Good for you Leigh. Sounds like you are losing inches if not the kgs. How great is it to fit into all the old clothes? Only problem I have is that they are so out of date.
I usually make all sorts of goodies this time of year. This year I am holding off till the last possible minute so that I do not spend a week or two eating these bad boys...

I'm having a few issues though with the family. They are rebelling at the thought they might miss out. I told them not to worry, they will be there Christmas day, along with one of these...


Hubby was almost begging me to purchase the biscuits last week 'because they are on special'. I held off, knowing that if I purchased them I would have to make another trip to buy more when it came time to make the cake.
Cannot help with the problem of chocolate. I have no problem leaving the chocolate to everyone else. The kids give me chocolate knowing that I will pass it around and they will get the lions share. That is probably my advice. Pass it around. Have a small amount and give the rest away. It is really the first little bit you want, the rest you just eat because it is there.
Try one of these...
they are a nice low calorie chocolate treat.
This time of year is full of challenges. My vice is alcohol and savoury nibbles.
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Hahaha Leigh! You are so fun as usual! Thanks for that - ..."wow! have not seen those in awhile love !!"..I said "what my butt or my short ".. But I understand how good it sounds to hear from your love that you are looking great and even to see this admiration in his eyes. The best motivator, yes. Maybe you can try to bake some homemade cookies? Like with milled oatmeal, nuts and honey instead of sugar. Just a thought, because I don't know what cookies you prefer. I used to experiment with different recipes. Loss is a loss even in cms, great job girl!!

Smick, you're doing great, so persistent, a little treat for Xmas and rest holidays is good for you and your family. But plan is a plan, don't let anyone make you turn from it

Love you ladies, and I wish you and your family happiness and joy these holidays! =)
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Hi Leigh Lol its a fantastic feeling fitting back into clothes that we grew out of :p and. Cm loss is awsome :) I must do my measurements it's been a while ... I have been able to resist the sweets I'm the savoury girl to. However people have been dropping off gift baskets to my office ...I hadn't been tempted until yesterday yes I had 3 small pieces of rocky road :eek:& it was fantastic yummy :):):) ... Can't be good all the time ... I usually have the nestle deserts in the fridge too they usually fix the craving..... However somtimes you have to have the real thing chocolate enjoy it Hun & then get back on track also you have been exercising so you have burnt extra calories :):) wishing you & your family a wonderful Christmas x
Ladies ,THANK YOU good to know we all on the same page, LOVE TO SHARE WITH YOU ALL and always a pleassure to read your comments and advise too.. May you all have a blessed time with your families and a gr8 New year ahead to you you all, may we be at our thinnest ever in 2015 !!!!whoo hooo ... x
Kate, THANK YOU FOR THE COOKIE REMINDER, LOVE OATS, will make some of those if it comes to me craving or needing a treat, my hope is to be over the treat stage, by New YRS, and just let fruit be my sweet treat again..
Smick you killing me with all those amazing pics of treats hun !!! hahahah

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