• Author Vamp Girl
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well back again after a long Easter weekend.
Just thought i'd update you all. I've been on 40mg for month 2 of my 3 month course and after 3 weeks I had a complete meltdown.
I've been feeling really edgy, wound up, stressed, whatever you want to call it and on Friday I snapped.
Screamed my head off at my flatmate and started throwing things and smashing things.
I was clawing at my skin and if I had been able to get my car out of the drive I really believe I would have driven into a wall.
Spent the remainder of the long weekend in my room having taken temazepam to calm myself down.
A quick visit to the doctor yesterday and i'm now back on the 30mg and feeling a lot better.
I always struggle at weekends (I have bi-polar) and I guess with everything I just decided enough was enough.
I hit the gym with my trainer REALLY hard this morning and now I am very sore but my mental state is much improved.


Oh Goodness!!! So sorry you went through these horrible moments… =((( It’s good that your doctor hears you and let you go down to 30 mg. You are a very wise woman and I am sure you will continue losing weight just as steadily as you were doing it. Keep it up and smash that gym every time you feel like you’re getting on the edge. Take care
Thanks April.
Feeling a lot better today. Hit the gym hard again this morning and now i'm paying for it in my legs. I have to go up 2 flights of stairs for the bathroom so I won't be drinking too much today that's for sure.
LOL!!! I remember myself I got too excited at the gym and next morning I woke up soooooo “in need for toilet” and I “rushed” from the second floor… I looked like a cripple =))) as I was making the next step.. it was so hilarious, I was laughing, and my abs were SO SORE as well, and I couldn’t laugh. Third step made me seriously consider the idea of just jumping or rolling from the stairs.. I don’t even remember how I got to the bathroom, but I can totally relate to your unwillingness to drink much water.

Long time since that “event” and I have learnt it gets better as I start exercising again. I usually start through pain and in about 5-10 minutes it gets A LOT better. Either way, you are bravo!!! My applause and a wonderful day full of fun and positive stuff!!!

Blog entry information

Vamp Girl
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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