
  • Author Meesh
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Well.... I had a huge weekend...Birthday party for my eldest then a memorial karaoke for a friend who lost his cancer battle recently.

I started Duromine last Monday.. 40mg (refer to my introduction posts and banter if you want to know more about boring old me lol) ..

I shall confess.. I didn't take duromine on Friday as I knew I'd consume alcohol over the weekend. I stuck to my calories easily on that day and the next UNTIL- alcohol! And I knew it would happen but I was in denial perhaps.. but as soon as I got tipsy... party food was consumed. Not a huge amount but it was considerable. I don't even want to mention over doing it with the vodka too.

Anyway... the next day - pre-memorial night - I stuck to my correct intake... healthy lunch (slept through breakfast..duromine free after all) - then decided, as I was feeling a little nervous about going to the memorial at a pub I hadn't been to before, I decided to yet again have alcohol.. *rolls eyes*.. Long story short.. I went overboard.. snack food and then a burger that I wasn't even hungry for.

So.. moving on .. As I said, I didn't have duromine Friday, and in fact haven't taken one again yet. I have a lot of guilt for the over doing it but I'm now determined to try and have a week without it and I'm not planning to drink again obviously. So yesterday was ok.. I slept I was catching up from 4 nights on duromine with barely any sleep. I didn't eat too badly.. wasn't perfect but kept it on the verge of going over badly...

Today! Perfect. but really really hard with I duromine in my system. My head is in overdrive making me want everything.. but I'm trying to be strong. So far so good. I'm very confident.

Plus due to weekend activity of a tmi nature... and not even thinking as last 8 months we have been TTC.. so habit plus alcohol made me . forgetful. I had better stay off it until I take a test... though going by the last 8 months of negatives...hope is there but I think it's more denial? I don't know. But! Better to be safe than sorry. I've read too much to risk being on duromine if TTC or even a skerrick of a chance of conception.

Anyway! That's my confession... and I'm feeling extremely disappointed in myself but I'm only human and life goes on.. So.. please refrain from all fruit throwing and burning at the stake lol. Geebus, even in attempt at humour I'm thinking of food lol (


Wooooowwwwww… indeed, a huge weekend…. It’s good that you were trying to stick to healthy food choices when you were…mmmm… not under alcohol. Yes, it’s also great that you managed to have some nice sleep. Hope this week goes better for you and you will concentrate on your goals. Be strong and definitely take a test before you take another Duromine. We have a story here, on the forum, of a young woman who was taking Duromine and then found out she was pregnant some time while taking it. So far, everything is going good (touch wood), so taking the test is a clever decision.

Self-disappointment is the last thing that should be on your mind now. It happened and gone, dust it off and focus on further good road. Best of luck! Hope on a soon update about the test and the decision of continuing to Duromine. Cheers!

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