
  • Author fatchic
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  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Day twenty nine on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs-
Ran out of credit and as crazy john is terminating their services (or rather vodafone is) i have found it to be terribly difficult to organise a top up. Apparantly they are having issues retrieving my 'unlocking' codes so switching to another network is also proving to be futile. After much complaining to this effect i was credited with a ten day extension of my credit (today) until they resolve the issue. So i am back yaaaaay ;) didja miss me?
I had my weigh in on day twenty eight (Wednesday) and found out i have lost 9.2kgs this month. I was a bit of a mess at the doctors office as at the bus stop on the way there a car full of lads had started yelling out abuse and derogatory terms at the fat chick (that would be me) obviously they needed to entertain themselves and assumed correctly that i would be a big *fat* easy target. I was really disappointed that i hadn't made atleast 10kgs and instead of congratulating myself on a loss, any loss, i let the negative voices scream how fat and pathetic i still was until i couldn't focus on anything else at all. Cue panic attack.
Sure if i focus solely on the fact that i still weigh 124kgs it's going to seem a pretty pretty bleak situation but by 2am i had woken up, gotten over myself and realised that in two years i have come from 144kgs to now being 124kgs and i am not giving up so things can only get better right :) also thats nearly 2 5kg bags of spuds.. Pick that up while shopping and it's suddenly not so insignificant.
Had chinese °drool° on Wednesday night. Pure comfort food. Trying to cut carbs completely from diet now.. Determined to do better next month. Knee still hurting so trying to walk more as not to irritate it. Had only 1.5 litres pf water today, no breakfast or lunch and after doing wraps for the kids for tea i opted to make mine a tortilla less salad type meal. Bought some shakes for breakfast today so looking forward to trying them tomorrow.


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