Day 1-6

  • Author Leah Wheeler
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 4 min read
I have only just found this website, and I am so glad I did. It's great to see that others are going through the same and to see what I could be expecting. I currently weigh 124.6 and I am 30 so not very good. I am constantly hungry to the point I wake up everyday that hungry that I gag and feel sick. My Dr wanted me to have lap band surgery but without private health that was just not a viable option. Luckily she really think durmoine is a wonderful medication so I had no problems with her giving it to me. She prescribed 30mgs and said if I don't get drastic results in the first month she will put me on the 40mgs ones. So here is my day 1-6.
Day 1 - 4/7/14
Took my tablet at 7.30am. I was really worried that I would feel high as a kite but i actually didn't feel any different all day. It was rather disappointing and I just told myself that medication takes time to work. I had no energy at all, it even seemed like I actually had less than usual. I made myself eat smaller meals and around 6 a day instead of massive amounts 3 times a day. this was really difficult as I am still so very hungry. I work from 7am - 6pm so I didn't have a chance for any real exercise and to be honest I couldn't be bothered as I was so tired. By 3.00pm all I wanted to do was go to bed, so I wasn't worried at all that I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.
Day 2 - 5/7/14
Slept from 8.30pm - 6.30am so thankfully not effecting my sleep at all. I took my tablet at the same time, 7.30am. Today was no different to yesterday. Exactly the same, still starving with really strong hunger pains that I just tried to ignore and for some reason though, even though I am starving still I am not caving in? Perhaps something is starting to happen or just my own will power, who knows?
Day 3 - 6/7/14
I went to bed at 10pm and woke at 6.30am again. I am having no problems sleeping at all and I am finding I am actually sleeping a bit better and not waking up as much. I took my tablet at 7.30am again. I started doing the housework today and felt like I would start something and then think of something else that needed doing and do that and not finish each job, I was really lost as to what I needed to do. I couldn't concentrate on much. I am still really hungry but I am finding when I do eat now, they are smaller portions and I do feel fuller faster so I really need to tell myself that I have had enough and to stop eating (this is really difficult for me).
Day 4 - 7/7/14
Still having a great sleep, thank god. I have seen some horror stories of people not being able to sleep for longer than an hour! I still never feel any different when I take my tablet and I am not getting these bursts of energy that people talk about on other posts :( I started getting a dry mouth today, thankfully I like water and apart from a glass or red, that is all I drink. I had a few to many glasses last night so I thought perhaps it was due to that? I love that I have so many treats in the house for my kids and I am not interested in them at all, this could be a good thing.:)
Day 5 - 8/7/14
Still taking my tablet at 7.30am, still not feeling any different. The dry mouth is not the red wine though, I finally have a side effect :p Sad that I am excited by this but finally it feels like it maybe working if I have at least 1 side effect. Still no energy though :(
Day 6 - 9/7/14
For once I couldn't sleep last night but I am unsure if it is because my partner is away and I can never sleep well without him. I woke really hungry this morning but after a coffee and some weetbix I am ok but I can feel it already sneaking back. The dry mouth is incredible this morning and when I eat, my teeth do something funny, really hard to explain but it's awful. I couldn't help but weigh myself this morning and I weighed in at 123.3 so I have lost 1.3kgs. I have to admit, I was dissapointed when I read posts of people losing up to 5kgs in the same time without exercise. Trying to think positive o_O
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Leah Wheeler
Read time
4 min read
Last update

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