Day 10

  • Author Steffie1
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hey All,
I'm on day 10 today of 30mg.
I'm 25 years old, my starting weight was 76kg and got on the scales today to see I'm down 6kg and sitting on 70kg. Strangely I cant really tell, I feel just as big as when I started - but that could also be the fact that I had put the weight on so quickly (this time last year 64kg, this time 3 years ago 53kg).
I think the best thing about the duromine is that it has killed food cravings (I was finding myself googling lunch ideas at 9am, before I started). I also feel more satisfied with healthy meals... I feel it has given me a nice little boost of energy but not too much, I start work at 5am - so take tablet at 4am. Oh and my bf is happy because my sex drive has been through the roof!! (Does anyone else find this???) Sorry for TMI but I'm having thr BEST sex of my life - so thats a positive!!
Okay so the bad side... My emotions are all over the place, I'm not someone who is overly emotional normally, but I have been like super low, and super grumpy at times - it usally passes after a couple of hours but its horrible.
Also I have had a killer headache pretty much every afternoon :(
So thats my story so far, I will check back in next week with an update xx
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